
The Front Line



Overwhelmed by all of the Women’s History Month press yet? I am, and that says something given that I am in the business of promoting women.   There are just so many projects out there that it is difficult to know which one to “like” on Facebook or to “follow” on Twitter.   With so little free time as we look to integrate our jobs, families, friends and passions how do we know which venture is worth carving out some time/money to support?  How do we choose between a date-night with our partner and a weeknight-networking event?   With so little time in our day for the things we have to do, how can we possibly add one more thing?

You do not have to sign a petition, join a network or send a check to get involved in the fight for equality, because as a woman you are already involved.  You are on the frontline of the battle for gender equality every day whether you realize it or not.   Your “Heels on The Floor” are the proverbial “Boots on The Ground” in the battle for women’s rights.   So if you do nothing else, support the women around you. Commit yourself to the success of the women in your workplace and your community.   Promote one another. Encourage one another. Help each other succeed.   Understand your #heelpower and #standtogether.




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