
Heel Power


One of the first things I did when I began my Heels on The Floor project was to get a logo designed. I wanted something bold. It had to be something that was easily identifiable from across a room. The inclusion of shoes for the logo was an obvious choice. But why red?

Just about every woman I know has a fondness for shoes. For some, it’s about a favorite pair (or ten). For others like me, it borders on an obsession. When I worked in Manhattan and was commuting via train I had two large file drawers in the office that were full of shoes, even more in the trunk of my car and a few closets full in my house. Even when I was working locally I had my stash of about ten pairs in the office along with all the rest in the car and at the house. Now, I am not in the “Carrie Bradshaw” or “Housewives of… wherever” range, but for someone who isn’t really into high fashion and who can not wear heels for more than a half a day, I have a ridiculous amount of shoes. That said, at any given time I have only one or two pairs of red heels among the dozens of black, brown, blue and gray. They are the only pair(s) that is likely to still be in their original box and I always know where they are (closet, shelf, trunk etc.).

I believe red shoes are worn with intention. You don’t choose red heels when you want to blend into the woodwork. Red heels aren’t typically the shoes you grab when you are running for the train and throwing on anything you can put on without ironing it. They probably aren’t the pair sitting under your desk getting dusty either.

For me, my red heels are always a specific choice made for a specific reason. I may choose them to brighten up those dark “banker” suits. I may choose them on those days when I am yet again going to be the only “girl” in the long meeting. I can stare down at them and think, “There’s no place like home”.  More often than not I wear them in the winter (in the office, never for the commute!) to offset the gray sky and gray mood that comes with “just another 6 inches of snow”. They no longer have to match perfectly with my outfit. They merely have to coordinate with it. Some days it really is just about the shoes.

Clearly – I’m a shoe person. I can always spot a great pair of shoes on the trading floor (The Floor) and I will always compliment the woman wearing them. Sometimes I use “great shoes!” as an icebreaker. Other times I admit, I will use it as a diversion when I don’t have the strength for the inevitable “got a second” conversation coming my way. I can’t swear to the statistics but I would say that anytime I have commented on a pair of spectacular red heels the response would include very sly smile from the woman wearing them. She would smile, stand a little straighter (with Heels firmly on The Floor) and take the compliment like the “you go girl!” which was, of course, the way I meant it.

We all know that red heels make us feel powerful and they make us feel feminine. You can’t really pretend to be “just one of the guys” when you are rocking a pair red heels.

When you come to this website or see our logo on Facebook, Instagram or (hopefully) on your desk or someone else’s, remember that you aren’t just one of the guys. Remember that you are a woman and that you are powerful. Consider that if we come together in red heels, brown flats or tennis shoes we can multiply that power and create change.


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