In the News

Looking at the “Numbers”

A few weeks back I asked all of you to get to "Know Your Numbers".     I asked you to count the number of women sitting in key roles versus the total number of key roles in your organization. My primary intention was to make you aware of the number of women leading your company.   I suspect there are many of you ...

The Front Line

  Overwhelmed by all of the Women’s History Month press yet? I am, and that says something given that I am in the business of promoting women.   There are just so many projects out there that it is difficult to know which one to “like” on Facebook or to “follow” on Twitter.   With so little free time ...

Equal is Equal

Equal is Equal.   To me, it is a simple principle. Women and men should have equal rights, and equal pay, have equal representation at work and in government, bear equal domestic and childrearing responsibility. We should be equal in the eyes of the law and equal in the minds of the one another.  International ...

The “Problem” as I see it.

Anyone who knows me will know that I prefer the direct route. I prefer to get to the root of the problem and fix it rather than to work around the periphery treating the symptoms.   This is why I started “Heels on The Floor”. There are so many different initiatives working to fix different problems with gender ...