Climbing the Ladder

Should She Walk In My Shoes?

As a parent you know this is going to happen some day. It’s not something you prepare for because deep down you hope it never does. So when your child asks you what you did in certain situations, your brain jumps very quickly to - Do I lie? Do I tell her the truth? If I tell her what I did, will she make the same mistake I ...

The Queen Bee – Born or Elected?

The Queen Bee concept is something we are all familiar with. Broadly it means a dominant woman who is thought to sabotage the work or success of other women to ensure her own continued dominance or seniority. The image arises frequently in male-dominated industries where there are said to be very few spots open for women. ...

Dressing or Distracting?

The subject of proper office attire is such a hot button. Over the years, I have heard so many challenges to the idea of calling someone out on clothing. Things like; why do women always get singled out, why can’t people express themselves, why does everyone have to look alike, or why isn’t it about the work? After many ...

Looking at the “Numbers”

A few weeks back I asked all of you to get to "Know Your Numbers".     I asked you to count the number of women sitting in key roles versus the total number of key roles in your organization. My primary intention was to make you aware of the number of women leading your company.   I suspect there are many of you ...

“Just one of the guys”…

I grew up with older brothers who after dinner, would go outside to play basketball on our driveway. I was the little girl who, five years younger than my closest brother, would end up sitting on the steps watching.   Then one day when I finally had enough time sitting,  I asked them if I could play.   I was told ...

Know Your Numbers

With a stated goal of bringing women together to create change in the workplace, it is important that we take stock on where we are as we begin this journey together. So this week, take some time and get to know your numbers. Look around and really count how many women are around you.   I mean this very literally. ...