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Should She Walk In My Shoes?

As a parent you know this is going to happen some day. It’s not something you prepare for because deep down you hope it never does. ...

Diversification 101

Investopedia defines diversification as “a technique that reduces risk by allocating investments among various financial ...

The Queen Bee – Born or Elected?

The Queen Bee concept is something we are all familiar with. Broadly it means a dominant woman who is thought to sabotage the work ...

Summer = Halfway There…

Can you believe the year is halfway over? I know I can’t. June is the time when the school year ends, summer vacations start and everyone tries to get out of work on time to enjoy the longer days. We aren’t thinking about “year-end” quite yet. But it's a very good time to stop and think how ...

Dressing or Distracting?

The subject of proper office attire is such a hot button. Over the years, I have heard so many challenges to the idea of calling someone out on clothing. Things like; why do women always get singled out, why can’t people express themselves, why does everyone have to look alike, or why isn’t it ...

Choose your words…

What message are you sending? I just read a great New York Times Op-Ed piece by Julia Bard. “How to Explain Mansplaining” discusses a phenomenon that many of us are all too familiar with, the “Manologue”. I sat there with a grin because so many faces came to my mind as I read her ...

My failure to negotiate…..

Have you heard that one of the reason’s there is a gender pay gap is that we women don't  negotiate? I have heard it and I believe it because after more than two decades working in the trading business I was never able to negotiate on my own behalf.   In spite of this I may well have ended up ...